You are More Than a To-Do List: The Value of a Productive Pause

For as long as any of us can remember- being “busy” has been seen as the highest virtue. Even in our earliest, formative years- those who were constantly on the go, juggling between a multitude of tasks and had a razor sharp focus on one achievement after the other were seen to be role models, and their fast paced actions and behaviours were meant to be emulated.

But in a world that is progressively going digital, and is defined by a breakneck speed of doing things- is busyness truly equal to effectiveness?

Perhaps not.

Many of us mistakenly see speed to be the true result, and see slowing down our pace- as slowing down our effectiveness. If we don’t drive ourselves to the brink constantly, exhausting each of our faculties at the end of each day- we tend not to consider it a productive day. There’s a danger to defining a crowded day as a successful one, as I’m sure each one of us may have discovered at some point. Ask yourself, if you spend 99% of your day dedicated just to your work desk or computer screen, what percentage of that day is truly transformational or effective? A realistic assumption would be about 50% at best.

What of the other 49%? Are we just running ourselves ragged for the sake of being occupied? We’re often competing to catch up to our own most engaged selves, and are essentially losing these precious moments to stress, and a feeling of being overwhelmed.

How wonderful would it be to avoid these perils? Enter: the productive pause.

Yes, you heard that right. Pausing can and almost always is productive. Not pausing, is unnatural. We are not machines. We are beings. Our pauses offer has incredible opportunities to rest, re-charge and revitalize our capabilities to not only be effective at work, but happier, more creative human beings over all.

Here are a few ways you can access and make the most of a pause:

  1. Be Instinctive & Don’t Ignore the Self: If you feel the call, eat something, take a rest, and don’t forego a bathroom break. If you are bored, maybe go out for a walk or put on a song, and dance, she adds. Or just make a cup of tea and chat. Your body knows what is best for you and is nudging you in the right direction.
  2. Sense your body: From your arms and legs, to your belly and your back- you must be aware of your movements and your body, even at work. Put your feet on the ground, and bottom on the chair, and feel every sensation. What, if anything, do you notice or realize? Is there pain, stress or fatigue? That’s your body calling out to notice what it needs. Be sure to stretch, take a brisk walk when needed and eat regular meals to service your body. A healthy body is a healthy mind!
  3. Feel your breath in and your breath out: Notice your feelings, perhaps frustration, sadness, or something else. What do you need for yourself? Is there an emotional connection that you really need to make? It is okay to be an imperfect feeling human, doing your best to get some work done.
  4. Prioritize your smile: Do you find your eyebrows knotting, or a tension in your shoulders? Don’t ignore it in favour of the next pressing task. Take a moment to see what you can do immediately to bring that sense of calm back, and bring a smile to your face. It could be an episode of your favourite show, some time with your pet, a walk or a little treat at the work desk. Your time belongs to you and your good feelings. Never let them go.

They say time is money. A better way to look at it is- time is the only true currency, and the way we add value to it, is by making our time valuable, pleasant and enriching. You are not a to-do list. You are a well rounded person. Take that pause. Be your own best friend- sense your needs, take a step back. Pausing will give you a new perspective on yourself, on your work and make you a better person in the process. Work will become effortless when you regain a sense of self.

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