Face The Unknown, Don’t Fear It





Think back to moments of great triumph in your life. They were undoubtedly followed by a period of significant turmoil, and even that turmoil would have been preceded by a period of uncertainty, where your life’s questions seemed truly to outweigh the answers. Needless to say, the path to good things isn’t paved with comfort; there are challenges to navigate and fears to overcome. This journey, this uncomfortable path can be extremely daunting to a lot of us. But naturally, what we don’t know is a source of great anxiety and unrest. It’s enough to discourage us from pursuing even our most cherished dreams.

A team of neurobiologists and psychologists conducted a small experiment where they administered a minuscule electrical shock- to measure people’s response to the unknown. In study after study, the researchers found that any element of unpredictability significantly increases people’s discomfort, despite there being no objective difference in the intensity of the shock. Participants show greater stress if there is a 50% chance that they might receive a shock, for example, compared to situations in which there is a 100% certainty that they will be electrocuted. The results were clear- uncertainty can intensify how threatening a situation feels.

When our mind and body is telling us to run, it’s hard to put up an argument to the contrary. It is however, completely worth it. When we move past the paralysis of our worst fears POSSIBLY coming to life, we welcome the magic of possibility in a different way.

It all starts with “what if”. When we’re afraid of the unknown, we’re fixated on “what if I’m a failure and nothing works out for me?”; but when we change our “what if”- our destiny changes. From this mindset, if we move to- “what if I try? What if this gives me valuable lessons or laurels beyond my imagination”- we can empower ourselves to welcome miracles in our life.

We have to build resilience, and learn how to manage uncertainty on a day-to-day basis, so that we’re not thrown by it when it presents itself at different points in time. You have to be able to prepare yourself to withstand the changes of life, and embrace them for what they are. It is only then that you’ll be able to seize every opportunity, rather than letting it pass you by as you wait for a more comfortable moment.

Here are a few ways you can beat the fear of the unknown and step into your power:

1. Take a Different View:

Every innovation, every change, every transformation—personal or professional—comes with potential upsides and downsides. Many humans can be instinctively wired to focus on the latter, but if we shift our mindset, we can change the game; or perhaps even invent a whole new playing field! Rather than focussing on the loss, focus on the gain- not just of the end result, but of going through the difficult situation. Imagine how much more enriched your own life will become, how much stronger you can be, and what you’ll discover about yourself in the process. Challenge has a way of drawing out your best self. Sit tight for it.

2. Take Action:

When an opportunity appears that has an equal potential for pain and growth- dive in. Bet on your growth, but do it strategically. Most successful breakthroughs are produced by a series of small steps, not giant efforts. If you’re not immediately ready to make big moves towards an endeavour, work on upskilling and preparing yourself. Focus on learning and getting ready. But do not sit still. The lack of action could breed discontent, and you could lose out not just on the potential of something great, but your positivity.

3. Feel What You Need to Feel:

There’s no other way to put it- failing hurts. The frustration can almost be too much to bear. But it must be borne. If you learn to understand your emotions at your lowest point, and befriend them- you can learn to manage the fallout the next time an uncomfortable uncertainty presents itself. Don’t brush over the pain. Feel it fully. You can get help from a life coach online or offline or a mentor to navigate the change, but ultimately those feelings have to be dealt with, and you don’t have to do it alone.

If you’ve faced trouble with facing or handling the unknown, be rest assured. This feeling is not final, and will change for the better. You are your best ally!

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