Wheel of Emotions- Fear

“There’s nothing to fear but fear itself”- how many times have we heard this? But do we really even know what #fear is?

As per Plutchnik’s #wheelofemotions– fear at its core is a feeling of alertness at the sense of danger. It gives you the sense that something you care about is at risk, and manifests in you feeling stressed and agitated. At a lower intensity, it is #apprehension– a worried, warning feeling that there could be a problem. At its highest intensity- fear becomes the debilitating emotion of #terror. Terror acknowledges big danger, and expresses itself in a feeling of extreme anxiety and being petrified.

Now here’s the fun fact about fear: if it is not dealt with, it grows and seeps into other every other part of one’s life until you’re held hostage by it, in a state of terror.

As a #coach working with clients in the #csuite & other high powered #professional spheres, I observed two kinds of responses to fear:

😌 Client 1: Checked themselves into #coaching at the first sign of fear, spoke about it candidly, and took support to deal with it rather than allowing it to build over time. Every time a new fear arose, they addressed it in real time.

😥 Client 2: Had deep set fears from childhood, that only grew with time. When signs of it started to show in adulthood, they began to bury it- and never accepted what was happening. They denied every time the fear came up, and continued not #accepting themselves or seeking help until it spiralled out of control, and started to affect their responses & #behaviour patterns at work, in relationships leading to a downward trend in #selfesteem as they didn’t feel valued.

➡ The result? Client 1 was able to flourish faster and seek new avenues of #growth. Client 2 had to take a step back, and with coaching- went into deep #exploration that took much longer to get them back to a life they were proud of.

Such is the nature of fear. #Identify it, use it only to alert & inform you- let it not take root. Let’s keep #understanding & #seekinghelp when we need it.
#executivecoaching #executive #lifecoach #hr #icfcoach

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