
Does your team TRUST you? Your #team, or indeed anyone in your life people won’t follow a #leader they don’t trust. #Trust makes it easier to get #alignment. Trust is a powerful force that builds #loyalty, increases #credibility and supports effective #communications . In your daily life, avoid the 4 horsemen of the Communication Apocalypse, as defined by Dr. John Gottman, a renowned counsellor: 1️⃣ …

Wheel of emotions- Sadness

Today on our weekly deep dive into our essential #emotions via the #wheelofemotions, we take on #sadness. It’s difficult to give words to this feeling, which can often be overwhelming & confusing. Sadness typically implies that love, joy or a general feeling of contentment is going away. At its most intense, sadness becomes grief-a feeling of being heartbroken and …

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