Solutions for Professionals

Professionals like Coaches, Trainers, Lawyers and Accountants are looking for customer acquisition and growth for their practices. They need to create awareness about their services, position themselves uniquely, find new customers and keep old ones. As specialists, they are great at their subject matter, but often lack skills in sales, getting the best value for their services, networking with the right people, and using all the tools and technology available to help them grow their practices.
Inward Focus offers a combination of high value training, coaching and consulting programs for professionals to build their practices and learn the skills they need to be more effective and more productive. We fully understand the challenges of this space, and therefore have built solutions that address several needs, at varying levels of detail that require varying levels of investment.
Dreams are the beginning. If you can dream it, you can do it.

Our business coaches will work with you one-on-one to help build your go-to-market plans including the approach to identify your target customers, create awareness and credibility for you and your services, marketing outreach, building a network, and deriving the best value from your customers by selling the value of your services. In this engagement, you will have a coach assigned to your project.

Our consultants can work with you (and your team) across the spectrum of marketing, sales and execution strategies. Not only will they help you build your sales and marketing plans, they will also help you with a tried and tested execution methodology that works with small and large businesses alike.

The business learning program is designed on group coaching principles. It is targeted to build your go-to-market plans. However, some clients prefer to learn with groups of individuals and implement their learning with limited follow up support. These programs are coach led and supported but are conducted in a 1 to Many group coaching model. You will have a shared Inward Focus business coach supporting you programmatically.

We support professionals in pure virtual learning formats in these programs. You will have access to scheduled video based tutorials in which our business coaches will walk you through the mindsets, toolsets and skillsets you need to launch your business for success. The learning program is followed by one interaction with the coach.

As a professional, you may not have access to the extensive skills development programs offered by corporates to their employees. Inward Focus has developed programs for the skills you need to manage your work and your lives better. We provide programs on emotional intelligence, time management, personal productivity, strategic networking, building trust, leadership skills and many other areas. Learn more on our products page.
Eventually, its processes and people who drive results. The investments you make through consulting and coaching will bring long-term benefits. You have to find the balance between the short- and long-term outcomes, and how you want to deploy your resources. But if you believe prioritizing urgent day to day things will build your practice, or they will vanish over time, or be easier to deal with when you have an established practice, our opinion is quite the opposite.